6 Useful Energy-Saving Tips That Will Cut Your Next Month’s Utility Bill

A dollar here and there and your bills pile up to amounts that give you a headache. Is there a way to avoid that? Apparently, these 6 easy energy-saving steps guarantee a visible change in your next month’s bill. Try them out today and see how much you’ll manage to save!

1. Wash with Cold Water

Wonder why you’re paying so much for hot water and electricity? 9 out of 10 times you can blame laundry days. The cost of heating water or washing machine can double, triple the cost of one laundry load! It’s hard to believe, but you can actually see proof on your washing machine’s manual. Usually, there’s a list of programs, which shows how much energy and hot water you’re using during one wash. On most washing machines, there’s even an option to use eco, or “mini” 30 minute programs that use cold water and save loads on energy. If you’re washing just a few items, there’s no need to wait hours and use more energy than needed!

2. Invest in Energy Efficient Major Appliances

Yes, cheap appliances are a quick-fix solution. But if you’re seeking for long-run savings, the key is investing in quality. When purchasing major appliances, it’s not smart to be cheap! At that moment, you may have a few extra hundreds in your pockets, but those will go straight towards your utility bill at the end of the month. Instead, buy a product that will serve you for many years. Plus, a house equipped with energy efficient major appliances drastically increases in value!

3. Get Energy Efficient Doors and Windows

Same thing with doors and windows. It’s a vital investment when planning to save! Not only will you cut heating bills in winter, you will also preserve the cool air during summer months and reduce your usage of electrical cooling. Quality doors and windows will also increase the value of your home, so think big! Make sure to research before you buy and find the best quality to price ratio. If you’ll simply ask a salesperson at the store, he’ll show you the most expensive options and hope that you’ll blindly follow his/her advice.

4. Unplug!

Look around before leaving your home. Is your TV unplugged? Did you turn of the lights everywhere? Sounds like a simple advice, but in all honesty – every little counts. Even when you’re staying indoors, make sure that every appliance you’re not using is unplugged. Most of us have no idea that even if appliances are on “standby” mode, they’re still drawing energy. Make this easy on yourself and plug a few appliances into the same extension cord. It will act like a shortcut and you’ll find it easier to remember that there’s only one plug you need to take care of before leaving the house. Plus, you’ll save the time you’d spend running around the house looking for small appliances you need to unplug. Extra tip: invest in a smart power bar. It automatically cuts power to specific outlets when they’re not in use.

5. Practice Proper Filter Maintenance

It’s not a useless myth that you need to change appliance filters regularly. Learn to practice proper filter maintenance and you’ll see the difference it makes in the long run. This will help you keep appliances such as air conditioners and dryers in top shape and guarantee that they work at peak efficiency. Using a smart thermostat? The companion app called Nest reminds you when it’s time to change your filter. When it comes to saving money, make sure you’re not missing out simply because you’re being just a little bit lazy to change filters!

6. Invest in Ceiling Fans

Think it’s a bit of an outdated idea? Well, it’s a money-saving idea, so going back to basics can be the smartest choice you’ll make! You’ll be surprised, but many people actually have no idea how to use ceiling fans properly. When used correctly, they can save you a ton on your next month’s energy bill. In order to make the best of it, set your ceiling fan to spin counter-clockwise during the summer months. This way, all the hot air will rise up to the ceiling and stay away from your heating up your room. Throughout winter months, do exactly the opposite and it will blow the hot air down. Ready to make these small changes and save big? Start today!