National Take-Back Day: A Safe Way to Dispose of Unused or Expired Drugs

There are many times when you may end up with unused prescription drugs. Your doctor might prescribe you something that does not really have the desired effect, or you end up finding another drug that works better for you. Similarly, there are many times when you might buy prescriptions but get too much and don’t use them. Or you may end up buying too much in one go and they end up expiring before you get to use them.

How can I dispose of my unused and/or expired prescription drugs?

Instead of letting them languish in drawers collecting dust, or worse yet, throwing them away, why not give them back? It sounds a bit odd, but it can be done! While you may not be able to return them to the pharmacy you purchased them from, you can return them. The DEA is hosting a Take Back Day on April 27 between 10 AM - 2 PM to give people an opportunity to return unused or expired prescription drugs in a safe and convenient way.   You can use the DEA website to find a location near you that is accepting collections. You can filter locations anywhere between 10 to 100 miles to find a site that works best for you. Last year, the DEA was able to collect over 900,000 pounds of unused or expired drugs. This helps ensure that medications are disposed of safely and reduces the chances of prescription abuse. While Take Back Day itself is April 27, certain collection locations are open year-round. Please check the DEA website for further information on Take Back Day and other options they offer for collection unused and/or expired prescription drugs.